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Get your bite of the day:
we present ambitious and entertaining marketing ideas. Have fun and e


Nice holidays and the very best for 2011!

Mariah Carey's Xmas song is not just the best-selling holiday ringtone in the US – it is also my favorite Xmas song ;-)

- especially when performed by
Olivia Olsen (Love Actually) - have a look: All I want for Xmas

apricot wishes you a nice Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year!



Looking for an ad you liked so much but cannot find it anymore in the media?

Coloribus can help you: here you'll find all ads archived categorized by media channel (TV, print, outdoor, online, viral, etc.) used.

Look here for one of my favorite TV spots 2010: AT&T - Funny emails
- simple and spot on ;-)


Wine & animals

Again some nice packaging design:
The winery Andreas Tscheppe moves away from the traditional wine bottle-labelling and has had together with the Austrian communication agency Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann - take a look at their website, it's fun!!! -
a new, animal-based labelling developped.

The result is handsome and was rewarded with the „Golden Drum“.

See here the bottles


SIXT - über Trends und Flops

SIXT ist Trendsetter, wenn es um die Umsetzung aktueller Themen im werblichen Kontext geht. So zeigen die bereits zitierten Beispiele aus 2010 den humorvollen Umgang mit aktuellen Ereignissen – vom Pilotenstreik über die WM hin zur deutschen Bundespräsidentenwahl.

Im November polarisierte der Castor-Coup von Sixt die Geister: die einen nannten es „geschmacklos“ , die anderen „die beste Viral-Kampagne ever“.
So oder so - mit dem Castor-Coup ergriff SIXT als erstes Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum die Gelegenheit, auf einer Protestveranstaltung zu werben. Fakt ist, dass diese Guerilla Aktion mit dem Slogan „Stoppt teure Transporte, mietet Van&Truck von Sixt“ mit vielen klicks und views punkten konnte.

Nun, zum Jahresende, scheint bei Jung von Matt nun ein bisschen die Luft raus zu sein:
die aktuelle Kampagne zum Wikileaks Topic lässt die sonst so unterhaltsamen Spitzen missen.

Es scheint so, als ob die Preussen einfach zu schnell geschossen haben - eine „lean back and think it over“-Pause hätte vielleicht kreative Abhilfe verschafft. So schliesse ich mich der Meinung von Marketing-Guid.de an - es ist eben nicht jeder Schuss ein Treffer…


IKEA goes 2.0

IKEA recently presented the results of a 2009-campaign which was launched to feature the opening of the new IKEA in Malmö:
a facebook profile (Gordon Gustavvson) was created and 12 pictures of IKEA showrooms were uploaded within a time period of 2 weeks.

This is how it worked: As soon as a picture were uploaded, fans could tag furniture and the one who tagged first, got exactly this furniture as prize – see IKEA-Facebook showroom

From Marketing point of view this is THE perfect campaign:
The promotion is easy to understand, supports the own products as well as the image of the company. It combines the advantages of the online- and offline-world and creates quite some buzz which pays back with high awareness and recommendation rates.


eyetracking - what people need to see before they buy

Chui Chui Tan from the UK company cxpartners recently summarized some hints for all those who are just thinking of designing or updating their webshop:

It’s all about the eyetracking: What people see before they buy

Also in this area, the good old KISS seems to be the foundation of a winning tool ;-)


the crying invoice

Duval Guillaume-Antwerp had THE idea for all Freelancers and SMEs suffering from late payment of their invoices:

Putting a chip on your invoice helps you to generate attention:
As soon as the chip gets in contact with light, your invoice starts to cry!

Look here – with a little smile ;-)


are you blogging?

If yes – this is how the blogging archetypes have developed:
the evolution of the blogger

do you recognize yourself?


guys backflip into jeans

Levis always did and still does: they pioneer the TV- and viral-campaigns.

To produce its recent masterpiece, Levi Strauss worked with San Francisco-based advertising company Cutwater.

The acrobatic "Guys backflip into jeans" – which was created to promote Levi’s line of zipperless, button-fly jeans - is perceived as highly entertaining and achieved since launch impressing about 6,8 million views!


Applying for a job? - do it 2.0!

As described in the post about Wunder Knabe, more and more private people start to use Web2.0 tools for professional activities - e.g. for applying for a (target group related) job.

Recently, in Austria, it happened again:
The social media agency ambuzzador posted ads at several online- and web2.0-platforms and promptly an aweseome application rushed in:

The applier – posting under the synonym “ChrisBuzz” – uses the idea of the traditional “Adventkalender” : every day until Christmas (from December 1 to December 24) “ChrisBuzz” discloses an information about him/herself.

Take a look and get a sneak preview of “ChrisBuzz”'s personality - it's fun!

The two examples show how the future ways of communication will be enriched and might look like: integrated, interactive and proactive.


Stella Artois - ice sculpture competition

The new Stella Artois Xmas ad - created by Mother New York and Mother London - continues the 1960s continental European setting that has been a feature of previous campaigns.

People love stories and that is why this time the story of an ice sculpture competition is told, where competitors try to impress the panel of discerning judges - take a look:
... ready, steady, ... Stella !


apricot wünscht eine schöne und besinnliche Adventzeit!

Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt...

Wie jedes Jahr, kann man mit der Übersetzungsplattform Leo auch heuer wieder täglich ein Türchen öffnen um so den besinnlichen Part der Weihnachtszeit ein bisschen zu geniessen.

Hier geht’s zum Adventkalender

Viel Spass beim Türchen öffnen - apricot wünscht einen schönen Advent 2010!